Fast-Track Your Leadership Journey

Conquer Uncertainty, Cultivate Confidence

Join Our Exclusive Programs Designed for Human Service Professionals and Transform Your Leadership Transition into an Empowering Journey!

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Are You Finding Leadership More Challenging than Expected?

Have you found yourself thinking:
  • I used to be confident in my abilities, but now I find myself questioning every decision I make.
  • I feel like I'm constantly being pulled in different directions, and I can't find a way to balance it all!
  • How can I meet everyone's expectations and prove myself as a capable leader?
  • How do I navigate this shift from being a peer to now managing my former colleagues?
  • I don't want to show any signs of weakness, but the stress is taking a toll on me.
  • Is there anyone I can talk to or rely on for support? I feel isolated in this leadership position!
  • Have I made the right decision by taking on a leadership role? Can I handle the pressure? Am I truly cut out for leadership?

You want to excel in your role and be an effective and confident leader so you've ...

Undertaken Training

BUT these programs only deal with the tasks of a leader, not the real-life challenges involved with stepping into leadership .

Talked to Other New Leaders

BUT they are grappling with many of the same issues and have no idea how to effectively handle them either.

Talked to Your Manager.

who certainly tried to give what time they could, BUT given their own pressing commitments, it simply wasn't enough to fully support your leadership development needs.

Don't Worry!
You're Not Alone!

New leaders commonly experience anxiety, stress, uncertainty, loneliness, isolation and self-doubt. Moving from a place of confidence and performance, to one where you lack the information and understanding to be effective, poses a significant psychological challenge.

Being a subject matter expert, high-performing team member, or doing what you’ve always done is not enough. Leading a team needs more and different capabilities, tools, processes, and approaches.

Recent research shows:

  • 87% of first-time leaders feel frustrated, anxious, and uncertain about their new role 
  • 60% of leaders say they never received training when transitioning into their first leadership role.
  • 60% of new leaders fail in the first year.

But it doesn't have to be this way!

What if you could stop grappling with your leadership role and
start navigating it confidently and effectively instead?

Sounds like a lofty goal?
Stay with me, and I'll show you how we can bring this into reality!

Hi, I'm Shelley, Founder and Head Leadership Coach at the Human Services Leadership Academy.

I’ll be honest with you, 

Taking on your first leadership position is often a daunting and overwhelming process.

When I started out as a new leader in the human services field, I was full of ambition and passion to make a positive impact. Just like you, I had the desire to lead and inspire a team to make a difference in the lives of the people we served.

But Then ...

I was hit with the stark realities of leadership. 

The pressures, the isolation, and the challenge of shifting from a peer to a leader were daunting. 
I felt like I was thrown into the deep end without a lifeline.
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I really wanted to be an effective and supportive leader, so I tried ...

Facade of Strength

I masked anxieties and uncertainties, believing leadership meant showing no weakness – yet, this heightened internal pressure and isolation, and hindered growth.

Sink or Swim

I dove headfirst into leadership challenges hoping to learn through trial and error - only to find it increased stress without delivering the desired learning outcomes.

Working Harder

I put in long hours to compensate for a lack of confidence - but this led to sheer exhaustion without significant improvement in leadership skills or confidence.

Each attempt felt like a failure,
and with each setback, I questioned "Am I really cut out to be a leader?"

Over time I discovered that the answer to that question was yes, but the road to that conclusion was a long and bumpy one.

Reflecting on my own journey, I started noticing similar patterns in others around me. Over the span of my 20+ years as a Social Worker and Leadership Coach, I have seen countless human service professionals grappling with the same struggles, trying to balance their desire to lead with the reality of their challenging roles.

And that's when it hit me!

What new leaders in the human services truly need is:

Programs specifically designed to guide them through the transition, capitalising on their existing skills, and uniquely crafted to tackle the challenges inherent to our sector.

So we developed some programs just like that.

Programs designed to fast-track the transition from an uncertain newbie to confident and capable human service leader through a structured pathway that leverages your existing skills.

The programs have been designed to assist new leaders to:

Boost Self-Belief and Resiliency

Strengthen the mindset and skills to overcome anxieties and self-doubt, instilling a sense of resiliency and self-belief.

Leverage Existing Skills

Fully recognise the rich skill set accumulated throughout your career and pivot these competencies for successful leadership.

Establish an Authentic Leadership Identity

Develop an authentic leadership identity that aligns with their personal values and strengths, enhancing your impact and confidence.

Take Control of the Journey

Intentionally navigate the complexity of leadership transitions, leading change and growth with confidence and strategic foresight.

The best thing?

The programs are not just theoretical -
they're about real, actionable steps with implementation support!
(Allowing leaders to easily translate their learning to practice,
so they can apply. reflect, and grow in their own time)

So how does it work exactly?

All it takes are...

3 Simple Steps

To become a confident and effective human service leader.

Step In

Chart Your 
Leadership Transition

Step Up

Establish Your
Leadership Identity and Master foundational Skills


Unlock Your
Leadership Potential

All it takes are...

3 Simple Steps

To become a confident and effective human service leader.

Choose Your Level

Select the membership level that best aligns with your preferences. Each level offers an increased level of support tailored to your specific journey.

Get Immediate Access

After signing up and completing your membership payment, gain instant access to the resources and learning opportunities included in your chosen plan.

Learn and Grow

Utilise the courses, community, and coaching sessions to develop your skills and apply them in your workplace.

Discover Your Perfect Fit: Our Three Membership Levels

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is perfect for human service professionals who are new to their first frontline leadership position. If you’re feeling uncertain about what lies ahead and want to start your leadership journey with clarity, Leap is for you!

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is designed for human service professionals who have transitioned into their first frontline leadership role and are looking to lead with intention and purpose. If you want to move beyond accidental leadership and start managing yourself and your team more effectively, Launch is for you.
Write your awesome label here.

Elevate / Accelerate

is ideal for human service professionals who have been in their frontline leadership role for some time and are ready to take their leadership skills to the next level. If you want to build on your core skills and become a highly capable leader, Accelerate is for you.


Joining the HSLA Leadership Training Hub means more than just access to an array of specialised training resources; it's an investment in your leadership journey that comes with many benefits.
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Tailored Content

Gain expertise with courses tailored for human services leadership

Flexible Learning Experience

Learn at your own pace, anytime, anywhere. Our self-paced courses and resources accommodate your busy schedule,

Supportive Community

Tap into the power of shared learning, gain invaluable perspectives, and get practical advice from peers.

Priority Support

With higher tier memberships, get fast, dedicated assistance whenever you need it - less time troubleshooting, more time leading.

Frequently asked questions

What kind of content is in the course library?

The course library is filled with short, self-paced online courses, all specifically tailored to the human services sector. Topics cover a wide range, from foundational leadership skills to advanced strategies for effective human services management.

How often are new courses added to the library?

New content is added to the library on a monthly basis. This ensures you always have access to fresh insights and the latest strategies for human services leadership.

How do the group coaching sessions work in the Growth Membership?

Group coaching sessions are held twice a month via video conferencing. These interactive sessions are led by an experienced human services leadership coaches and offer an opportunity to learn from your peers' experiences, gain new perspectives, and receive guidance on your challenges.

How do the group coaching sessions work in the Growth Membership?

Group coaching sessions are held twice a month via video conferencing. These interactive sessions are led by an experienced human services leadership coaches and offer an opportunity to learn from your peers' experiences, gain new perspectives, and receive guidance on your challenges.

Can I upgrade my membership later?

Absolutely. You can upgrade your membership at any point. The cost of your upgrade will be prorated based on the remaining term of your current subscription.

Can I upgrade my membership later?

Absolutely. You can upgrade your membership at any point. The cost of your upgrade will be prorated based on the remaining term of your current subscription.

How does the discount on coaching and programs work?

As a member, you will receive a special discount on additional coaching sessions and other programs we offer. This discount will be applied at checkout when you purchase these services.

What if I have more questions?

If you have more questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us at Our team is always ready to assist you.

Take the Next Step in Your Leadership Journey!

Empower your leadership potential with the right training and resources. 

Say goodbye to trial-and-error. Start mastering practical, relevant skills that will directly impact your leadership within the human services sector.

Join us today - your brighter leadership future is just a click away.

Feeling isolated navigating your leadership role due to a lack of tailored, and accessible training and support?

  • Overwhelmed by the lack of specialized leadership training options that are geared specifically towards the intricacies of the human services sector?
  • Struggling to bridge the gap between generic leadership principles and their practical application in human services?
  • Frustrated with training programs that leave you on your own to implement what you've learned, without ongoing, sector-specific support?
  • Tired of feeling like you're on your own, with no one to turn to for advice or guidance on sector-specific issues and challenges?
  • Wishing for a flexible, on-demand solution that provides comprehensive training and ongoing support to bolster your leadership journey?

What if things could be different?
What if there were a leadership development platform designed with your unique challenges in mind?

Write your awesome label here.

Read. Watch. Connect. Develop.

At the heart of the Human Services Leadership Academy, we aim to empower leaders in the human services sector, providing them with the tools, knowledge, and community needed to thrive in their roles. Our memberships offer tailored training, exclusive resources, and a supportive community that can enhance your effectiveness, increase your confidence, and cultivate your leadership potential.

Introducing Our Comprehensive Training Memberships for Human Services Leaders

Unrestricted Access to Specialised Training

Each membership level grants you unlimited access to our expansive library of leadership courses designed specifically for the human services sector.

A Community of Like-Minded Peers

No more isolation! Connect, collaborate, and share insights with a thriving community of professionals who understand the nuances of your sector.

Interactive Q&A

Access the regular Q&A sessions and community hub Q&A threads. These interactive platforms ensure your leadership questions are answered promptly by experts and peers.

Flexible Support Options to Suit Your Needs

Choose from three levels of memberships—Foundation, Growth, and Elevation. All offer the above benefits, but for those seeking more, our Growth and Elevation levels provide additional group and individual support, respectively. 
Start leading with confidence, knowing you have the resources and support to navigate the challenges unique to the human services sector. Choose your membership today and strengthen your journey to effective, empathetic, and impactful leadership.

Looking for Connection and Support?  Join us in The Leadership Lounge!

A community where you can access free resources, share insights and challenges, participate in monthly coffee chats, and find answers at our monthly Q&As.
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