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Fearless Feedback 

 Deliver Feedback with Confidence and Clarity

Giving feedback can be one of the most challenging aspects of leadership, but it’s also one of the most important. In this course, you'll learn how to provide clear, constructive feedback that fosters growth and strengthens relationships. Whether you're addressing performance issues or offering praise, you'll gain the confidence and communication skills needed to deliver feedback in a way that motivates and empowers others.
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What You'll Learn

Develop the skills to provide feedback that inspires improvement and builds trust.
  • Understand why feedback is essential for personal and team development
  • Learn techniques for delivering clear, actionable, and balanced feedback
  • Discover how to navigate difficult conversations with confidence
  • Explore methods for fostering a feedback culture within your team
  • Build skills to handle both positive and developmental feedback in a constructive way

Course Overview

Who is this course for?

This course is for anyone looking to provide effective feedback without fear or discomfort.

It's for you if:
  • You find giving feedback uncomfortable and want to improve your confidence
  • You want to give feedback that encourages growth and positive change
  • You’re looking for ways to handle difficult conversations more effectively
  • You want to foster a culture of open, respectful communication
  • You need strategies to balance positive feedback with constructive criticism
Gain confidence in delivering feedback that drives growth and improvement
Build stronger, more trusting relationships through clear communication
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